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Updates 13 September, 2024

ยท 3 min read
Zen Voich
Mops Maintainer


  • Mops CLI updates (v1.0.0)
  • Keywords validation
  • Search package by owner principal id
  • Verifiable Mops CLI builds
  • Package Registry site updates

Mops CLI updatesโ€‹

Release 1.0.0 ๐Ÿš€โ€‹

Run mops self update to update Mops CLI to the latest version.

  • mops cache clean now cleans local cache too (.mops folder)
  • Conflicting dependencies are now reported on mops add/install/sources
  • New --conflicts <action> option in mops sources command (docs)
  • New "Stable Memory" and "Garbage Collection" metrics are now reported in the mops bench command
  • mops test command now supports replica mode for running actor tests (docs)
  • New --replica option in mops test command
  • Updated npm dependencies
  • Fixed bug with GitHub dependency with branch name containing /

Breaking changes:

  • Default replica in mops bench and mops test commands now is pocket-ic if pocket-ic is specified in mops.toml in [toolchain] section and dfx otherwise
  • The only supported version of pocket-ic is 4.0.0
  • Dropped support for wasmtime version < 14.0.0
  • Default reporter in mops test command is now files if test file count is > 1 and verbose otherwise
  • Renamed mops import-identity command to mops user import
  • Renamed mops whoami command to mops user get-principal
  • Removed the ability to install a specific package with mops install <pkg> command. Use mops add <pkg> instead
  • Removed legacy folders migration code. If you are using Mops CLI <= 0.21.0, you need first to run npm i -g ic-mops@0.45.3 to migrate your legacy folders. After that, you can run mops self update to update your Mops CLI to the latest version
  • Removed --verbose flag from mops sources command

Keywords validationโ€‹

Now, the keywords are validated when publishing a package. Keywords should conform to the following pattern: [a-z0-9-].

Search package by owner principal idโ€‹

Now you can search packages by the owner principal id. Just click on the owner principal id and you will see all packages by that owner.

GitHub Action updateโ€‹

New version 1.4.0 of setup-mops action is released.

  • Add caching for macOS
  • Use node v22

Verifiable Mops CLI buildsโ€‹

Mops CLI builds are now produced in deterministic way using Docker and can be verified by anyone.

Get the version, commit hash and build hash from the CLI releases page and run the following commands inside the cli directory:

docker build . --build-arg COMMIT_HASH=<commit_hash> --build-arg MOPS_VERSION=<mops_version> -t mops
docker run --rm --env SHASUM=<build_hash> mops


Package Registry site updatesโ€‹

  • Stable memory and garbage collection metrics are now available on "Benchmarks" tab for newly published packages
  • Size metrics in package benchmarks are now formatted in a human readable way (127_643_156 -> 121.73 MiB)
  • On the home page, the "Recently updated" section now contains package changes
  • New section "New Packages" on the home page
  • Categories section redesigned
  • Package descriptions are now shown on the package page
  • Package categories are now auto assigned based on keywords